Saturday, November 24, 2007


Last night I ventured into the city, NYC, for dinner. I went to one of my favorite restauraunts, Otto. Erin and I love the place. It is on the corner of 5th and 8th St., just a block from where we lived 2 summers ago. It is a Mario Batali restauraunt, whom I think is the best chef on Food TV! Anyway, the bar area is set up sort of like an Italian train station where you have a lot of long high tables where you can order drinks and appatizers while you wait but they dont have stools. Instead of taking your name they give you a train ticket adn have to look at the sign for your name. The sign is one that you would seen in a european train station.
For NYC it is a fairly inexpensive place to eat. We usaully have wine, salad, maybe a pizza and a mai dish. Last night I had a glass of Giondas "vieilles vignes' 2004, well maybe 2, and a MARGHERITA pizza. It was fantastic. Here is a link to the menu.

If you are ever in NYC you should make a trip to eat here. It's abouot a block and a half off of the ACor E trains at 4th st.

Monday, November 19, 2007

My wife, the STUD!

My beautiful and talented wife just completed her 8th Marathon on Sun., completing the Philadelphia Marathon in 3:19.51, which is a 7:39 min/mile pace.  She kicked some ass.  She finished 775 overall, 100th women finisher and  29th in her age division.  
This is probably the first marathon she was serious about.  The others were for fun but she wanted to do better than she had previously done.  
I am so proud of her!!!!

2003 Sebastiani

We just had a 2003 Sebastina Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon with dinner the other night that we bought from winery in Napa.

Tasting notes:
The color was a beautiful dark red with a clear deep and intense ruby color.

The nose is clear with medium intensity with hints of blackberry and caramel. 

The taste was medium in sweetness, low acidity, and medium tannins.  The body was pretty good with flavors of blueberry with great length. 

This was a great wine that Erin and I highly recommend with your next steak or chops.

You can find the 2004 here for $32.99

Friday, November 2, 2007

Shadowbox Cabaret

Last night Erin and I went to see a show at the  Shadowbox Cabaret at Easton last night with some friends.  I have to say it was fantastic!!  I really didn't know what to expect.  We saw "Haunted House Party".  The actors are great and the band is unbelievable.  Everyone that works there  participates in the show one way or another.. Our waitress was a back up singer and was also in a couple of scenes.  One of my favorite scenes was when a couple was having a Halloween party and a guy came with a potato that hung in front of his crotch.  He came as a "Dick-Tater"!  Anyway, go and see a show, you won't regret it.  I never knew it was there.  Beers are like $3 and wine and mixed drinks are $6.